Flight 42 was on its way, when it comes across an unidentifiable storm Realizing they must go through, find themselves in France, 1940, World war II
A young soldier (Robbie Kay) tells them they are in the middle of a war zone
Dodging bullets and bombs the flight will attempt to make it back to modern day, without changing history too much
The air to ground (land mattress), air to air missiles (R4M), and the Luftwaffe jets actually existed at the time, were being tested, or being built within a couple years of the date the story takes place
There was purposely a "Quantum Leap" element added to the story to give it more surprises and the actors state their surprise several times
The Me 262 did not have its first flight until April 8, 1941 with 12 cylinder reciprocating engines, months after the movie timeframe
The jet engine was not delivered until November 1941
Hitler wanted bombers, not fighters, so this plane was only available in limited numbers in any model by the end of the war
Chuck Yeager now GEN(RET) shot one down with his P51 Mustang
Everything that happens to the 757 keeps restricting her altitude and speed so the Luftwaffe planes could reach and keep up with the 757
一个年轻的士兵奈杰尔(罗比凯 饰)告诉他们,他们现在正位于一个战地的上空 这家民航机必须躲避子弹和导弹的袭击,在努力回到现代的同时,也要确保历史不会因他们有太大的改变 剧中像是land mattress, R4M火箭炮,纳粹时期德国空军的飞机在那时其实是存在的,它们可能正在被测试,或者将于电影中这个故事发生后的两年被建造 影片故意插进了一种“Quantum leap”元素,因此有了不少惊奇呈现给大众 导演Emile Edwin Smith网站评分参评人数统计截止日期豆瓣5 110822023-12-11